(not so) Perfect Mama

Thursday, September 22, 2005

October 15th and 19th

Well, the Humane Society of Kent County has finally welcomed the animals separated from their families by Hurricane Katrina. They have said that they need to hold them until October 15th, so sometime after that, we will hopefully be foster parents to a doggie in need. I am so excited!

Update on The Bean (our baby in utero): Had a dr. appointment today and everything looks good. The heartbeat is good and strong. I'm carrying quite differently than last time so I'm feeling like it may be a girl. We'll see on October 19th, my ultrasound appointment! I'm really looking forward to it, but not so much for the actual process. It totally sucks having a VERY full bladder and then someone pressing down on it! I almost peed myself last time. Anyway, we are planning on finding out the gender, so stay tuned............

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Animal victims of Katrina

Well everyone, I have been just sick to death with the horrible images on the news every day here. I feel like each day I weep for these people who have lost everything in this horrific tragedy. Because I'm all the way up in Michigan, it's a little difficult to be involved in a hands-on way, which is really what I want to do. Right now, travel down south is not an option for a number of reasons. Then, today, as I watched the morning news, the Michigan Humane Society announced that they would be taking in as many as 50 animals who had to be left behind by their evacuated owners. My heart broke just thinking about what it would be like to lose everything and then to leave behind a member of the family. I can't even imagine how painful it must be. But I realized that this was a way for me to be involved in helping my fellow Americans in a concrete way. So today, I called the Humane Society and signed up to be foster parent! I hung up that phone with a feeling of such excitement, that I was finally able to really do something to help, beyond just writing a check. If, they have more foster parents than they need, then we will still be volunteering, bringing supplies, and just trying to do our part.

Here's where I ask all of YOU to step up. If you are an animal lover, if you consider your pet(s) a member of the family, if you take pictures of them like a proud parent, etc. etc., please consider donating your time or money to the ASPCA or to your local Humane Society if they are taking in victims of the hurricane. These animals have been separated from their families just like all of the human victims. Whatever you do, please consider helping in whatever way you can. The American Red Cross is doing an awesome job getting much needed supplies to the people affected and every bit helps. These people don't have the option of going home soon, not even close.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Faulkner & Poultry babies

First, I would like to give a shout out to my friend, Victoria Winters, who has declared her love for eggs. I, too, enjoy the small, oval, white gems of protein-y goodness.

Secondly, I would like to vent my frustration with one Mr. William Faulkner. I am struggling through his "The Sound and the Fury" at the moment and let me tell you, it's been a while. I remember reading "As I Lay Dying" in high school and being confused, but my wonderfully insightful teacher helped to make it all make sense. How I wish he were here now. Maybe my sleep-deprived brain is just not adjusting to his style. Anyone out there who can demystify Billy for me?

Au revoir for now..........

Monday, September 05, 2005

Relief finally arrives

I'm happy to report that I'm finally in my 2nd trimester and I'm feeling worlds better. No longer do I fight the urge to puke every five minutes. No longer do I feel like I ran a marathon after folding laundry. No longer does the thought of "intimacy" (read: sex) make me want to curl up and die. I think hubby is most excited about that last one. Duh.

It was a rough first trimester and I know that I missed so much joy that Cole brings and mostly focused on the frustration. He's so active and he was really taking a lot out of me. Now, I'm again enjoying him all the time and chilling about the frustrating times. He's said his first word: DUCK. He's standing on his own for short periods of time. He has all sorts of tricks like jigging and bopping - two very distinct dance moves. He plays "puppy", which when prompted, he sticks his tongue out like a dog. It's also so much fun to see how he and Gracie interact. He really tortures her and she is so patient. It's so entertaining to watch the two of them.

Here are a few new pictures of our Bear.
August 05
This is the most recent, hanging out at home.

Summer Vacation 05 - In the car
This is a shot in the car on our Summer vacation this year, back in July. He was going to town chewing on his toes. I just love his smile!

Daddy & Cole in NH
Here he is with Daddy in the backyard of my aunt's vacation house in New Hampshire. Craig was pulling him all over the yard in the inner tube.

Mommy & Cole at Cousing Trish's
Cole & Mommy at my cousin Trish's house. She and her family throw a big July 4th party every year. They roasted a pig this year plus there was like, 80 other food dishes! What a bash!

Cole & Cousin Gus
This is Cole with his cousin, Gus. Gus is my cousin Jenny's son and the two met for the first time on our vacation. We all thought they looked like brothers.

Well, I'm proud that I finally got these pictures up here! Check ya later...