(not so) Perfect Mama

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

May Birthdays

So we celebrated the birthdays of my two brothers at a brew pub, no less. Cole, ever the adventurist, came along and was the coolest cat there. I'm sure people were thinking, "What the devil is she bringing a baby into a bar for?" Well, who cares. We sat by an open window and enjoyed some quality microbrews. Everyone got into it.

I like Beer!

Here are the birthday boys with their nephew.

Founders with Uncles

Even our dog, Gracie got into the act afterwards....okay, really, this was actually taken a while back, but it's one of my favorite shots of her. Of course, it makes my family look like beer fiends, but we're not! Just a little.

Gracie likes Harp
Well well well....it's been a while, huh? Life has been crazy in the Isaak household and I'm just not keeping up with things. The little bugger hasn't been sleeping so well since he's started teething, and I'm one for copious amounts of sleep. Add the two and you get zombie mommy.

I have some great new pictures of Cole so I need to post them. 'til then....... E!

Friday, May 06, 2005

Happy 7th Month!

Cole is offically 7 months old today!
Happy Day baby boy!

Wailing and gnashing of teeth - er - tooth

So Cole has finally cut his first tooth and I don't know if this experience is pretty much the same for every mom, but holy crap, did it suck. Last weekend he was a total PITA (pain in the a**), which is very out of character for him. He wouldn't let me leave his sight, very clingy, very fussy, and there was the screaming for prolonged periods of time. Finally, a tiny white dot poked through his gums, and we could officially feel tooth. A big day. So, lots of baby Tylenol and baby Orajel later, it is now completely through, and he's calmed down. But really, if this happens with every tooth, I will tear my hair out.